Is it Springtime yet?

The last few weeks have us here in Colorado asking is it Springtime yet?  I have lived in Colorado since 1992 and I don’t remember a Spring that has been so chilly and windy for so long.  Even our dog seems to be wondering where is Spring?  Between keeping my ears alert for freeze warnings, trying to keep from being blown away and the never-ending snow.  I am frustrated waiting to get my plants in the ground.  If you are like me you are praying for warmer temperatures so you can do some planting without having to worry about nasty “Jack Frost” killing those freshly planted flowers or vegetables. Continue reading

Growing Swiss Chard as an Alternative to Spinach

Do you love fresh spinach from the garden, but it gets too hot too soon and it bolts?  Growing Swiss chard in your garden is a wonderful alternative.  Though it is a cool season crop, unlike spinach, Swiss chard withstands higher temperatures and water shortages.  It is very nutritious, vitamin rich and very easy to grow.  It is not only great in your vegetable garden, but it can be used as an ornamental plant.

You can eat Swiss chard just like spinach.  Either in a fresh salad or cooked.

Like all vegetables Swiss Chard loves full sun, though it can tolerate some shade.  Additionally it prefers well-drained soil with lots of organic material, it does not like acid soil.  It tolerates infrequent water better than spinach, but performs and tastes better with regular watering.

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