Least We Forget Our Fallen Comrades

Check out the video ” A Sad US Army Dedication” on my home page.  I came across this video on “YouTube” and I was overcome with sadness, sorrow and pride at the same time.  Having served in the Army for twenty five years and experienced Vietnam and Desert Storm.  I know what our military is going through at this very moment.  I wish everyone in the United States could actual feel the heat of day, the pain, sorrow, fear, and loneliness our military experience while at war.

War is not the flag waving and band music people think of when our military return.  It is of death, sacrifice, blood, sweat, pain, camaraderie and so much more.  For those you have served know the meaning of war.  For those who have lost loved ones, they know the meaning of war.  I wonder at times do our leaders truly know the meaning of war.

My family is a military family.  Besides myself serving, my two sons served and my son-in-law is still serving and just returned from his second tour in Iraq.  So the next time you see a veteran thank him or her for serving, because unless you have walked in their boots you have no idea what they and their families have been through.

Alien Squash have landed in my Garden

I am always looking for different and interesting new vegetables to grow in my garden.  So th_DSC_0280-1[1]I decided to try this new squash I came across this year.  The squash is actually called “Flying Saucer Summer Squash (F1 Hybrid)”.  It is a compact bush variety with intense color patterns.  You can either wait until the soil warms up and plant the seeds 1/2″ deep or do what I did and start them from seed indoors.  They are ready to harvest in 50 days.

The Flying Saucer Squash is related to the zucchini and patty pan squash.  So if you have grown zucchini before you know once they start maturing you need to check the plant daily for new “aliens”.  They basically need the same requirements as zucchini does, full sun, well prepared planting bed and regular watering.  

th_DSC_0284-1[2]These particular seeds where purchased from Pinetree Garden Seeds.  A key to a heavy yield is to pick the summer squash when they are young, about palm size.  They can be prepared like any other zucchini or summer squash. 




th_DSC_0283-1[1]The way I like to prepare them is to slice them horizontally, add a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil, some salt & pepper, garlic salt and chopped basal leaves.  I put them on the barbecue grill and cook them for a few minutes on each side.  I’ve been told you can even stuff them.  I’ll have to try that one of these days.  They have a much better taste than other zucchini or summer squash I have eaten.  They have a nice sweet and buttery taste.


I grew a number of this particular squash for the Colorado Springs, CO HAS Vegetable Demonstration Garden.  So if you want to see one up close and personal visit the HAS Garden.  The squash’s unique shape and color is what first intrigued me to grow some for myself.  The deep yellow body with scalloped edges and dark green center looked like something right out of Science Fiction.

Chocolate is not the only thing you will find in Hershey, PA.

DSC_0207Now that I am back from an self-imposed hiatus, I thought I would share some pictures from my vacation.  I made a trip back to PA. for a class and family reunion.  While showing my grandson the Hershey chocolate factory I found out they also have a garden. A twenty three acre garden.  Finding this out I could not leave Hershey without visiting the garden.

The garden was started in 1937 by Milton Hershey.  The original garden began as a 3.5 acre rose garden and has evolved to a twenty three acre masterpiece consisting of fifteen separate gardens.  As the seasons change so does the beauty and characteristics of each garden.    Continue reading