The Unfortunate Loss of Habitat


This past Sunday was a beautiful sunny, warm day here in Colorado.  Unfortunately, it was a tragic day for our surrounding wildlife and nearly a catastrophic one for humans as well.  An approximate 40 acre ravine/marsh land caught fire Sunday afternoon and sent plumes of black smoke soaring into the air.  The area was a hideaway for local birds, rabbits, foxes and whoever else took up residence huddle away within the thick tall grasses and scattered number of trees.

The location was significant, because it was located right behind one of local high school and surrounded on three sides by homes.  Our dry winter made this particular fire dangerous since the ravine was very dry except for the banks of the small stream that meandered through the grasses.  The close proximity (two blocks) of private property and the school had fireman from around the city and county heroically fighting the fire.  Twenty five acres burned before the fire was contained.  The cause of the fire still in unknown.  Continue reading