Elton John Rocking Colorado Springs

th_100_6215-11Yesterday was a cold, blustery and snowy day, not a day for gardening.  The best thing my wife and I thought to do was go to a concert.  Actually, we had planned the concert for awhile, but after being cooped up in the house it was perfect.  Going to see Elton John perform was perfect medicine to help us out of our bored and dreary mood.

The show started at 8:00 Pm and ended around 10:45 Pm and Sir Elton John did not disappoint us and the rest of the sold out crowd at the World Area.  When we first arrived all we saw on stage was just his piano.  I thought to myself, no back up band?  I had not seen Elton John before, and I found out immediately he did not need a back up band.  From his instrumentals to his well known ballads he displayed the extraordinary talents that landed him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Continue reading